Lockly: WiFi or Zwave?

I just learned that Lockly has two versions of their ‘Pro’ model, one is WiFi the other is Zwave. For the purposes of integrating with HomeAssistant, is one preferred over the other? If so, what are the Pros/Cons?


Hi HiFiBerry,

Do you have a z-wave instance set up now? are you going to?

Do you have a WIFI instance setup now?

Kinda your call on what you have and what are your plans.

You will have to read up yourself on the pros-cons between these, it is a personal choice as all set-ups are different,

Sorry, I realize that’s handy information to have.

I’m presently running HA on a Pi4 with a Zwave.me daughterboard operating via WiFi (no ethernet connection). I have Ecobee t-stats and Zooz dimmers/switches, but will also be looking for compatible garage door openers (seems the Liftmasters work with HA) at some point.

I’m not hung up on one or the other, as long as they work. If the WiFi locks work as well as the Zwave version, then it doesn’t really matter to me either way.

I use Zwave, Zigbee and Wifi so that I get the best devices available. Zwave may have devices that don’t exist in Zigbee or wifi, and the same vice versa. All 3 technologies work generally well in my home.
Generally Wifi devices are cheaper but depending on your router too many wifi devices can be a burden on your wifi network.