Log analysis

Are there any good tools for analysing the logs? I find it quite hard both to get an overview or look into details via docker logs hass, especially due to a lot of data (multi-line log events, media players generate a lot of entries when playing internet radio, a lot of z-wave components report power consumption all the time).

I would love some tool that runs in a docker image, hooks to home assistant via API (or just reads the log file), displays the log in a web interface, and provides searching, filtering and maybe even graphing of values.

Hi. I am using Log Viewer add on for hassio. Check out Franck addons for info.

Until you can find something better, you might be interested in a small Python script I wrote that analyzes home-assistant.log and lists out what components are writing to it, with the ones writing more listed first. You can then use the output to decide what to exclude from the log to get rid of the “spam” you’re not interested in. See here for details.

Thank you both :slight_smile: I am currently looking into Splunk as well.

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