Log failed voice commands more conveniently

Loving voice control so far! The biggest pain point for me so far is how much work it takes to review failed voice commands. I think a simple log of failed voice commands (perhaps a dropdown menu item under System > Logs) would facilitate troubleshooting, but would also be very helpful as a tool to track what voice commands should be created.

Rather than having to drop everything, log in to HA, and navigate through several menus to get to the voice debug menu (which is extremely useful but a little unwieldy) before the failed voice command gets buried in the debug history, a simple list of unrecognized intents would allow the user to review those intents and make adjustments or additions in batches at their convenience.

Also, for example, my partner can’t always remember what the voice assistant can or can’t do yet, and is a little overwhelmed by the question “what would you want the voice assistant to be able to do?” If I had a simple log of the missing/failed intents, I could encourage my partner to issue whatever commands came to mind and then I could review the log at a later time to troubleshoot or implement those misses.

Did you ever figure something out for this? I would find this useful for the exact same reason you have described.