Log : text or histogram?

how to manipulate something , so i got a log in histogram , instead of text??
from text :

to a log such as this :

my code ( its a mqtt sensor ) :frowning:

  - sensor: 
      name: "Brandstof_Super_95_(E10)"
      state_topic: "Super_95_(E10)" 
      icon : mdi:fuel
      unique_id: idSuper_95  

The sensor is considered as non-numerical.
Try to define a unit_of_measurement for it.

hi , thx for your reply

i got this now ( which is not working ) cos the value is now " unknown" ?!

  - sensor: 
      name: "Brandstof_AdBlue"
      state_topic: "AdBlue" 
      icon : mdi:gas-station
      unique_id: idAdBlue
      unit_of_measurement : "L"

solved : changed the comma to a point in the mqtt payload + added a unit of measerment such as sugested here in this topic