Log to short to find error

Hello there,

I have an obvious problem with my RESTful integration as there are errors in my log.
The log entry is packed with the URL and I know the corresponding error should be at the end.
Does anyone know how to enable longer logs, shorten the URL or find the problem in any other way?
There is the error-log:

Logger: homeassistant.components.rest.data
Source: components/rest/data.py:67
Integration: RESTful (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 18. Mai 2021, 06:23:16 (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 20. Mai 2021, 08:27:55
Error fetching data: https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/IamNot-TheActualURLI-amJust_forPrivacyReason/values/A184:F188?key=IamNotTheActualKey_ThisIsJustForPrivacy failed with 

I replaced the URL and Token with some text the same length.
And this is the yaml for this sensor:

  resource: https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/IamNot-TheActualURLI-amJust_forPrivacyReason/values/A184:F188?key=IamNotTheActualKey_ThisIsJustForPrivacy
  scan_interval: 3000
    - name: rest1
      value_template: >-
        {{ value_json['values'][0] | replace("', '", ';') | replace(']', '') | replace('[', '') | replace("'", '') }}
    - name: rest2
      value_template: >-
        {{ value_json['values'][1] | replace("', '", ';') | replace(']', '') | replace('[', '') | replace("'", '') }}
    - name: rest3
      value_template: >-
        {{ value_json['values'][2] | replace("', '", ';') | replace(']', '') | replace('[', '') | replace("'", '') }}
    - name: rest4
      value_template: >-
        {{ value_json['values'][3] | replace("', '", ';') | replace(']', '') | replace('[', '') | replace("'", '') }}
    - name: rest5
      value_template: >-
        {{ value_json['values'][4] | replace("', '", ';') | replace(']', '') | replace('[', '') | replace("'", '') }}

Manual reload of RESTful-sensors always works so I am wondering where the problem is.
With a little more than 1 refresh per hour I am expecting about 28 refreshes per day. There were 5 errors in the last 2 days. So not every poll is an error.

Really appreciate any ideas!

If you set the log level to debug for the restful integration you may see more.

I finally had the time to try the debug.
Sadly nothing changed. I took the component name from the log, edited the config to debug-level and restarted. The log remains the same.
Weird behavior that nothing changes whilst having debug set.
Any other ideas?