Log-Warnings "invalid state change"

Hi there,
I’ve noticed that the following warning will be logged since some time:

Logger: homeassistant.components.utility_meter.sensor
Source: components/utility_meter/sensor.py:456
Integration: Verbrauchszähler (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 18. April 2023 um 19:29:06 (140 occurrences)
Last logged: 04:52:13

oilfox_fuelused_daily received an invalid state change coming from sensor.oilfox_fuelused (unavailable > 107.0)
oilfox_fuelused_weekly received an invalid state change coming from sensor.oilfox_fuelused (unavailable > 107.0)
oilfox_fuelused_monthly received an invalid state change coming from sensor.oilfox_fuelused (unavailable > 107.0)
oilfox_fuelused_quarterly received an invalid state change coming from sensor.oilfox_fuelused (unavailable > 107.0)
oilfox_fuelused_yearly received an invalid state change coming from sensor.oilfox_fuelused (unavailable > 107.0)

These Sensors are Utility_meters which I have created per Configuration yaml and not per helper…
The Configuration is pretty straight:

# Oilfox
  # Kachelofen
    unique_id: 'oilfox_fuelused_daily'
    source: sensor.oilfox_fuelused
    cycle: daily

    unique_id: 'oilfox_fuelused_weekly'
    source: sensor.oilfox_fuelused
    cycle: weekly

    unique_id: 'oilfox_fuelused_monthly'
    source: sensor.oilfox_fuelused
    cycle: monthly

    unique_id: 'oilfox_fuelused_quarterly'
    source: sensor.oilfox_fuelused
    cycle: quarterly

    unique_id: 'oilfox_fuelused_yearly'
    source: sensor.oilfox_fuelused
    cycle: yearly

Unfortunately, I cannot see any information in the documentation on how to add something like a “availability” statement that would prevent this from happening.

The Interesting thing here is, that about 20 mins before this log entry was written, it seems that the integration could not connect to the server.
Therefore, the source sensor became “unavailable”:

Logger: custom_components.oilfox.UpdateCoordinator
Source: helpers/update_coordinator.py:193
Integration: OilFox (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 18. April 2023 um 19:59:15 (13 occurrences)
Last logged: 04:32:04

Timeout fetching oilfox data

Oilfox is a custom component … but I don’t think that this should be an issue here atm…
Do you have an idea on how I could prevent this from happening?


A fix for the utility meter is coming.

You will have to contact the 3rd party developer about the other one.

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Thanks :slight_smile:
I don’t think that the developer can do anything about the connection time out.
I just thought - it might be an additional information for the log-warning - this is why I mentioned it here.