Logbook Card filter states

Allow to add filter(s) per entity.

Ex. you have binary sensor for door. Open/Close. In Logbook Card only have entries when doors are open
or noise sensor and have only moments when are above some level

type: logbook
  - binary_sensor.openclose_door1
      - filter: state == on
  -  sensor.noise_basement
      - filter: state > 4
hours_to_show: 24

I hope this request gets more visibility.

Just realised I needed this for my surveillance dashboard. I got a list of events and only want to see the actual detections, filtering out the cleared ones.

+1 A filter-option would be great.

I have a door sensor and only need “Door opened”, not “Door closed”.

+1 from me! This is exactly what i need for the medication reminder. Im seeing way to many events to pick out the ones for taken.

+1 from me. I use this card and would really like this filter option.

+1 Would be very useful to show only when my doorbell sensor turned on.

Not sure if HA has added this capability but this is all I found when searching.

I’d really love to be able to filter and just show matches that are defined and not some value like “Unknown” or “not_home”!

I found this thread before I found this solution. Tracked back just to celebrate and help.

royto/logbook-card: Logbook card for Home Assistant UI Lovelace (github.com)

type: custom:logbook-card
desc: true
entity: fan.hallway_thermostat_fan
title: Hallway Fan
date_format: dd/MM hh:mm
  - unavailable

This worked for me.

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Just a usefull precision:
@Chris_Newman: I think you are using custom logbook card from HACS, right ?

There are 2 versions of logbook card:

  • one from HACS
  • one official from HA core
    This hidden_state feature is not available in the official card.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.