Logbook configuration issues

I like the logbook for looking at what has happened and if automations are triggering as they should. However, there is a lot of noise to cut out. Looking at my logbook I see…

Its working and logging everything, however, its including to much.

My main configuration file points to a logbook.yaml.

Configuration.yaml file:

logbook: !include logbook.yaml

logbook.yaml file:

    - sensor.last_boot
    - sensor.since_last_boot
    - sensor.since_last_boot_templated
    - sensor.pws_wind_string

along with about 50 other entries trying to narrow it down. Below are the applicable entities so they can be double checked.

What am I doing wrong here? Or do I not understand the exclude option? I have tried the logbook.yaml file with no indent and a two space indent starting with exclude:. Neither seemed to trim down the output.

Maybe try putting it directly into the configuration.yaml to eliminate spacing issues. Here is mine from my configuration.yaml


Click the link, the spacing seems off.

I dumped my logbook config in to the main configuration file and no luck. Then I started wondering if there are to many for it to handle.

I dropped it down to just the two last boot sensors. Victory!!!.. sort of.

Im going to slowly add entities back in and see where it breaks.

Be sure to create a bug report on github so they can fix it.

i having the same problem with excluding excluding entities too …

I’ve been meaning to circle back to this. I upgraded to the latest version and meant to test again before submitting the report.

Just to close the loop on this. I upgraded to 31.1 and am now using the include/exclude and domain options and found it to be working as it should.