Logbook customization questions; template solution?

Is there anyway to remove all entities of an integration or all entities of a device in the logbook yaml without doing the entities one at a time?

If this can be done with a template/ template sensor, could someone show me the process?

I would like to do this with the roku integration/ all tv devices within my roku integration.

Thank you all!!

No there is no exclude by device or integration option for the logbook. Just entity, domain or glob.

You might be able to come up with a glob for a lot of them, e,g,

      - media_player.*_tv*
      - sensor.*_tv*

Ahhh, I forgot about the glob. I was curious if anyone had any interesting views outside of the glob but I can probably make that work also.

You can exclude an entity(-ies) from a logbook CARD, not a logbook PAGE - with a help of a custom:auto-entities card. But in this case you will not have a possibility to set a time span in UI (only in card’s settings).

Ahhh, great idea. I never thought about that. Thank you sir!!! I’m great at making things overly complex.

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Thank you for the example Tom!

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