Logger: homeassistant.config How do i get to this file

Im sorry. Ive tried for to many hour to fix this then walk away only to return to it a month later. How do I get to the cause of this error. Ive deleted the blueprint ive readded and tried to delete it again. The blueprint is gone. How do I get to the below file?
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/blueprint/models.py”, line 209, in _load_blueprint
blueprint_data = yaml.load_yaml(self.blueprint_folder / blueprint_path)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/util/yaml/loader.py”, line 110, in load_yaml
with open(fname, encoding=“utf-8”) as conf_file:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/config/blueprints/automation/stephack/core-pico.yaml’

please help

Welcome to the community forum luke!

Have you checked if there is still an automation that uses the blueprint?

Yes I don’t have any automations that use the blueprint. I have not looked through the automation yaml. Ill check that also.
thank you

" [Logger: homeassistant.config How do i get to this file" … This is not a file
The message clearly tells you to look in /config/configuration.yaml, where most likely there is a line referring to the blue print … delete this line

Below is what I have in my /config/configuration.yaml . Line 8 is group
9 is automation 10 is script and 11 is scene. I had these lines at the bottom of my config file. yesterday i moved them up because I was getting the same error but it was saying line 200 something. I moved them up and the error persisted so i thought that was not the issue. Should these lines be somewhere else?

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml
scene: !include scenes.yaml

thank you

The error (reference to missing blueprint) is in file automations.yaml …

ok, that was some rows , thou moving these up, you have to make sure they don’t get “executed” before other lines, that should have come first … thou as i don’t see other than these 4 rows, i have no idea what you have in your config.yaml

Yes thank you. My automation yaml had a few bad automations that no longer worked .I deleted the bad and Ive restarted the system.
The error is gone much thanks

thanks im going to move them back to the bottom . I appreciate you.

Not necessary. Order doesn‘t matter, only indentation.

Does that means i can call / execute an automation / script with a “condition” in row 3 , and then in row +200 start an integration, that the automation / script depends upon, in it’s condition, or will the automations / Scripts first run, when the system have loaded the whole configuration.yaml ?

Yes. The yaml files are just to build the internal control structures. Of course, order of elements inside an array (like action sequences of an automation) is of importance.

hmmmm, to me the configuration.yaml looks more like a sort of “pipeline-configuration”, and i will always try to keep it “structured” somehow in a way that i believe is a logic order … i.e not " default_config: in the end, and “includes”(of god knows what) in the beginning, with various command: ,custom-configs, integrations-references scattered i random order , in between.
As Yaml is treated like a Dict, why not keep an “order” ? … in a i.e Build before Deploy kind of order.

… when is a “command” in Yaml actually executed ?
i.e. line 1

command: ["/bin/sh","-c"] or something horrible

i.e. line 2

command: /bin/bash <<'EOF'

line 3

 - sh
 - "-c"
 - |
   /bin/bash <<'EOF'

   # Random script-content here
   ls -l
   exit 123


Line 4

command: ["/bin/bash", "/your_script.sh"]

etc. etc. just examples :slight_smile:

or have i totally misunderstood that Yaml can run commands that could turn the system upside down, or fail if they are not run in “order” ?

PS: above is accepted in file-editor, thou i didn’t check whether HA would restart with any of these, and again im not quit sure how the configuration.yaml are parsed, i.e if it actually have control over that no “auto-run” is executed in a script/folder/integration

All of youre examples are array where order is of importance …

ok, they become an “array” in above, because i wrote all examples, but pic 1, only and it’s not an array, but just a “command:” as first, last or any line of the configuration.yaml, when is the command/script executed(if it actually is executed) ?

When it’s valid and required :slight_smile:

From a YaML perspective, “command” is just an item’s key and the item’s value is (again) an array with items (“/bin/sh” and “-c”).

From a HA’s perspective, if “command” is at top-level of configuration.yaml, this would become a configuration for an “Command” integration (which does not exists) and that integration decides when and how to use the item’s value.

Like an automation does not care if you write “triggers” below “conditions” or “action” in between. The entire file (including addressed !include files and referenced !secrets) will be merged from the Yaml parser into a huge map and handed to HA.

hmmm, “top-level” sounds like an “order” to me :slight_smile: … and the “command” was mend as an example( thou there are “shell_command/command_line” integrations, or other means/ways of “commands” that can “trigger” something, i.e an auto_run, beside some integrations “when loaded/configured(in yaml)” is essential to how HA will work, or Not :slight_smile: and that are depended upon that other integrations i.e DB is configured… i do know that all “items and includes are read into a huge map/Dict , but my thought was/still is ( It(configuration.yaml) will be read from top to button, when HA starts, not in random order ) , IF an integration have been loaded and configured” then i could “ingest” some values from a line/configuration in config.yaml (but if the integration X is has not been loaded / configured yet!(in yaml), and the first thing(line) in yaml-file is a "command/script/integration " that ingest (i.e settings) , with the condition that the integration X, has been configured … i.e config.yamls first line :check “condition” NOW, Condition: IF integration X not configured yet, abort, or shutdown HA, or don’t ever ingest these settings, even if integration will be configured later, in last line
Btw: Yaml is as a Dict, or Map as you say, since Python 3.7 , the “order” is maintained even in a “list” , even this sounds to me, Read from top to Button when HA starts, so why even make any “calculated” risk byt “throwing” everything/anything in random order ?

So are ALL integrations/dependencies/etc first loaded ?, and in which order?, regardless of each-other ? , when the map/dict is “done”(in order) … sorry i really can’t grep-it :slight_smile: , so i’ll stick to my “logic” order :), Load “default” first(haven’t even tried to put it last in config.yaml (but i do believe i would see “some” errors in logs) then essential integration/configurations (i.e Logger, DB, etc) +++ , and includes: Last, when all integrations have been configured

Maybe my English skills are insufficient, but the sequence of configuration keys at the same logical level in HA’s configuration YaML is not important, as the entire configuration, including the referenced files are read upon startup and converted into a giant configuration map or dictionary.

The actual usage / interpreation of the configuration is subject to HA core or the associated integration and happens after parsing.

Nothing wrong with your english skills :slight_smile: , but as i don’t understand certain things, and have noticed several place people/docs says i.e place it at the top, and people having problem caused by “the order” within an "item"or “Array”, and my self in file-editor, where i had to move some integration etc. and then some people just “trow in” a (stand alone postulate ) … Order doesn’t matter … that i think is misleading, specially if they then try to explain to a “noob” like me … and the person actually means "ok, key order , And "sequence " , don’t matter, if it’s at the same logical level, doesn’t help me much “Logical level” ? , and i then read “somewhere” that since python 3.7 the order in “lists” etc. maintains the order they are written in, when parsed, etc. … im lost !, and therefore i try to maintain a logic/correct order, as explained ( even thou i have no idea of your specification of “keys” nor “logical level” ) i’ve read a few docs about YAML, and they do seems to use slightly different “names”. i.e Items/Keys , which could sounds like a “logical level” in my messed up mind , and also people had “problems” with the order of certain “Items/keys” etc. … so im afraid your skills in convincing me that a “Order Doesn’t Matter” is insufficient :slight_smile: , and as mention, i don’t even see the point , as noone haven’t even come close to convince me that “Order doesn’t Matter” in HA’s -configuration.YAML .
as i.e “default_config” to me seems like having a “good/logic” place in a config.file, i will certainly keep it there :slight_smile: … and keeping and “order” also helps one self, instead of pursuing a random chaos, that will/could lead to failure/errors in other parts of HA’s yaml-file struckture. i.e Automations etc.
So my point was “keep the/an order”, in any possible way, and don’t even suggest to people that “order doesn’t matter”

And this is done in the order it’s written, i.e sequences, sure maybe the Core/integration figure it out, but why challenging as systems interpretation, it will only lead to more usage and maybe even easier lead to errors/failures. I’ve seen a few log-files in my life, where system try to interpret configurations, with dependencies of other “components” being loaded/configured first ( im not talking about YAML in specific here)