Logging back into my offline insteon hub

Good Morning VERY new hear
Bought a Rasp Pi 4 , loaded it , ran Home assistant, I am trying to add Insteon as a integration. but when I get to the area to input my IP, port, username and password, it will not connect . I am inputting my original user name and password I used when the hub was online with insteon


Try the username password printed on the 2245 Hub itself

I tried that as well but I have not factory reset the hub yet. also is sure a sure fire way to know the right IP address for the hub? thank you for your help

Yeah I think the documentation is misleading, AFAIK, you always have to use the usename/password printed on the hub regardless of factory reset.

Anyway, as for the IP address, see if the Hub has its MAC address also printed on it. If you are using DHCP where the router assigns an IP address to the Hub, you’ll need to find out from your router what IP address it assigned, and furthermore, you’ll need to setup your router to assign the same IP address all the time for the Hub’s MAC address.

THANK YOU!!! I got in!!! THANK YOU!!!


I love this whole thing so far… and the RASP Pi 4 is sooo cool!