Logging dashboard

Sometimes you feel the need to show what all is possible with dashboard and appdaemon.

i created this dash to keep track of the different logs and important stuff i have running.
it isnt finished yet
i will add stuff like

  • last restart from AD
  • last restart from HA
  • last restart from system
  • important sensors
  • etc.

but it show the power from Appdaemon.


still not ready, but its coming there:

warnings and errors show up in red now.
if in the errorlog the last error is more then 24 hours ago it shows a smiley pic.

This looks very useful (and cool). Can you please share how you achieved this?

i could but it is very specific to my situation.
i can tell you what i did though.

i created an app that reads my log files,
then it takes a preset amount of lines from the bottom
with those lines the app creates and saves a HTML file
the dashboard is a collection from Iframes.

for the last backup iframe i read out the last lines from my backup logs
for the various sensors iframe i just read out some sensors and use the state to create the HTML file

i hope this gives you an idea of what i did.

Aha, clever :slight_smile: Does the file icon tiles do anything?
Thanks a lot, this is very inspirational!

the file icon tiles are navigate widgets taking me to the complete logs fullscreen.
i have update some since i posted.
i know also see if my cams are up and running and sunset and temp outside.

the actions log is a log from other apps.
that tels me which app changed what entity to what state.