Logic Group ZDB5100 Matrix Switch

Correct. Please reply to the issue that this is something that bothers you. The more people that would like this the better.
I have a feeling i am the only one wanting this.

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I will cast a vote for sure. I have 20 something of these devices installed in my new home. Quite let down by the fact that I can no longer control the LEDs after the upgrade to Z-wave JS.

I guess I could change all my automations to use zwave_js.set_value but having each led as .light would make everything so much easier.


I have now cast a vote on this also. Hope it will help in the end.

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I have almost the same amount which does bother me its not more integrated. Although i Think we found another item for these devices that they are not registreres correctly in HA.
When you click a button does that change the value of the integrated enitity for you ?

Hi. I’m not sure that I follow. I only listen for zwave_js_value_notification and then do logic based on the value in node red.

    "event_type": "zwave_js_value_notification",
    "data": {
        "domain": "zwave_js",
        "node_id": 20,
        "home_id": 3756940774,
        "endpoint": 0,
        "device_id": "9979633cfa8654a6f654644b3f8ddb15",
        "command_class": 91,
        "command_class_name": "Central Scene",
        "label": "Scene 001",
        "property": "scene",
        "property_name": "scene",
        "property_key": "001",
        "property_key_name": "001",
        "value": "KeyPressed",
        "value_raw": 0
    "origin": "LOCAL",
    "time_fired": "2021-05-31T08:47:19.570886+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "e368a97febe4c06063096faba3efe252",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": null

Right, you are just listening if a button is pressed.
The issue im facing is that the LED on the button i have set it to follow the buttons “on” or “off” state so its easier for persons to see if the device is active or not. You could argue that it doesnt matter since you can see the light on or off if its pressed. But i want this state available for me to do better automations.

See image for the entities that im talking about.

Has anyone succesfully included these devices with security S2? I can get to the point where it asks for the DSK pin (5 digits) and after entering these it just spins for a few minutes before settling on no security. The manual also states that another number has to be entered after the DSK pin, but no UI allows me to enter these numbers.

Upgrade your version of zwave-js (however you’re using it), this was fixed in v8.7.0.

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Looks like the issue has been closed without a solution. I wonder if it would be possible to have this handled by an add on instead? That sits between z-wave and HA. I know it would not be the right way to go about it but it seems like such a downgrade to no longer have the ability to control the leds. It was the main reason for choosing these for our home in the first place.

So regarding this im not sure how to proceed. The issue is that the device supports a function that is not part of the specifications of zwave.
This Will result in that it Will not get more support than this.

Right now im not using the blink function of the matrix but i would like to so i Will mess with it at some point.

But for the coloring i Think its fine now after some usage to not be able to have a light entity to change the color, but to use the integration to change the color when pressing a button or some other event is fine.

Havent used it yet , havent received new devices :confused:

In the last couple of days, my 5 Matrix devices start to be very slow. Especially when clicking multiple times.
Besides that, I can’t get the set_value of HexColor to control the lights to work.
Sorry, it was because the parameter 14 was set to 0 0 0

service: zwave_js.set_value
  command_class: '51'
  endpoint: '4'
  value: '#00FF00'
  property: hexColor
    - switch.matrix_kontor

And the logs state the following has been updated, but nothing happens at the matrix.

2021-12-10 17:23:07.684 INFO ZWAVE: Node 20: value updated: 51-4-currentColor-2 0 => 0
2021-12-10 17:23:07.688 INFO ZWAVE: Node 20: value updated: 51-4-currentColor-3 255 => 255
2021-12-10 17:23:07.692 INFO ZWAVE: Node 20: value updated: 51-4-currentColor-4 0 => 0
2021-12-10 17:23:07.696 INFO ZWAVE: Node 20: value updated: 51-4-currentColor [object Object] => [object Object]
2021-12-10 17:23:07.700 INFO ZWAVE: Node 20: value updated: 51-4-targetColor [object Object] => [object Object]
2021-12-10 17:23:07.704 INFO ZWAVE: Node 20: value updated: 51-4-hexColor 00ff00 => 00ff00

The Enhanced LED Control is enabled.

service: zwave_js.set_value
  device_id: 69c3646acfb2f0217913779eb317fca3
  command_class: '51'
  endpoint: '4'
  property: hexColor
  value: "#ffffff"

This works for me, straight out of the service tab

Also with entity_id

Yes. Sorry. As I wrote. I had set param 14 to 0.

I am still confused about the entries which is shown as a switch in HA interface.

Has any here created something smart to control the LED?
E.g. searching for a way to let one LED indicate that the alarm is activating by blinking, until the alarm is active. (like for 5 sec)
I can see that is easier now to handle colors in automations.
E.g. like this.

I think there is an buffer-overflow problem in the Matrix 5100… One of mine is allso slowing down.
Allso if you click very quickly repetitive AND the unit is receive info from the Z-Wave network at the same time (e.g change color on LED xx or other stuff), the unit locks up and the last btn show blue LED. Now it will not do anything, before I turn off power to the unit.
Firmware: 1.8, I use Node-Red to control them and have alot of colorchange trafik on the Z-Wave network
I have 10 units, some is 2++ year and other from DEC/22. All have the same problems, but only one is slowing down (an older model)

Hi Jesper,

I just had a minute of vacation to mess a little more with this device and after some investigation with some help i gathered this information.

First i was informed that i might be able to set the warmWhite in the ZwaveJS UI but this was not working. (Source: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/49179 )
Even if someone got it to trigger it didnt now at least.
Then i though okay let me set it through home assistant in the targetColor property but it says that the node doesnt have this function… Nice what to do…
Then there is the hexColor property but that is setting the RGB and can still be used to set the color, but what we have been looking for is the blinking feature.
Since the last time i was messing with it this feature was not available. But the invoke_cc feature actually takes arguments that directly interfaces with the driver API.

Now i tried to modify the driver command

const node = driver.controller.nodes.get(112);
const endpoint = node.getEndpoint(4);
await endpoint.commandClasses["Color Switch"].set({
  warmWhite: 148,
  red: 255,
  green: 0,
  blue: 0

This command was adjusted with some help but suddenly it worked. I got the device to blink !! Now what do i do from here because i want to do this from home assistant and not ZwaveJS UI…
And here i found out that the invoke_cc api was available.

What i then did was trying to replicate the function by doing this:

service: zwave_js.invoke_cc_api
  command_class: 51
  endpoint: 3
  method_name: set
    - value:
      warmWhite: 146
      red: 255
      green: 0
      blue: 231
  entity_id: switch.matrix_office

This actually worked ! So now i have the function working in HA but i also wanted to test an automation just to make sure i wasnt just doing something bogus :stuck_out_tongue:

I then created this automation that triggers on a button from the ZBA button 1, 2 and 3 and toggles either a blink , non blinking and off

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Also please share your cool blinking automations with this device :stuck_out_tongue:

Interesting with the blinking light. I don’t know when I want to use it.

I have been working on a way to add the led’s as lights, for easier integrate into automations.

See Template example for LED control on a zdb5100 · GitHub

I have borowed from this post Homeseer HSM200 Zwave LED On/Off and Color Control - #41 by kerbs17
But I still need to make it support brightness and maybe the blinking effekt.

I am also considering if I should make it as scripts instead, for easier reuse. I currently have 6 ZDB5100 in my house.

Can someone here maybe help me, as I am quite lost at what is going on.
My setup consist of an old ZDB5100 (firmware 1.6.0) and a new ZDB5100 (firmware 1.9.0). I have all parameters set exactly the same way on the new one as the old one.

The old one, I can make direct control by using zwave_js.set_value. All is good.

With the new one, if I use the exact same call as to the old one, nothing happens. If I use the zwave_js.invoke_cc_api nothing happens. If I manually turn on an LED in HA, by changing parameter 20=follow switch, both the mentioned calls will turn off the LED, but not change to the desired color. So at least there is connection to the dimmer.
Is it simply just a matter of firmware? Or am I missing something?
If it is a matter of firmware. Does anyone know how to get firmware 1.8.0 and if it is possible to downgrade?
