Login attempt failed - Details

Maybe once a week I get “Login attempt failed” notifications, the IP address changes. Should I be worried about these notifications? Also, what log are the details in? I have searched high and low in all of my logs and I cannot find any details about these login attempts.

Hi Bryan, is your HA publicly (internet) available?

Yes my family access HA through the Home Companion app, and also through a browser sometimes. Full disclosure I have have been using duckdns, but recently I set up remote with Nabu Casa and I am using that now. But I have not yet disabled my duckdns.

So you probably have a port open to you LAN which is being knocked on.
Making a service available from the internet by opening a port is always a security risk and it all depends on how you have secured that system.

Correct, that is why I am moving to Nabu Casa, plus I want to support them. I will be closing that port once all my devices are set up to log into Nabu Casa. So that should eliminate my failed login attempts? I guess i don’t really know exactly how Nabu Casa works, but I did not have to do anything with ports on my firewall. I still would like to know where the details of the failed login attempts are, in terms of which log.

All of my failed login attempts stopped as soon as I switched from using DuckDNS/Let’s Encrypt and disabled the Port Forwarding and moved to Nabu Casa. Those logs are in Settings - System - Logs - Core. My Unifi router logged and blocked many port scans when I had the port forwarded, and those have all stopped since switching to Nabu Casa.

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I use Nabu Casa and also had DuckDNS running. I stopped DuckDNS, removed all Port Forwarding from my router and restarted HA.
I still get the „failed login messages“ :frowning:

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Are those from public IP’s?

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There is more going on at Github about this issue, here is my post there:

Yesterday I decided to make a test:
I signed my system out from NabuCasa.
Since then I did not receive any of the notifications any more.
This morning is signed in again and the error messages started appearing again.

It seems to me the issue is on the NabuCasa side?

As a reminder: I am in my local WLAN at home.

I have not seen the issue since a day or so. I can not relate it to anything I did