Login attempt failed error coming from tablets running HADashboards

I am running HASSIO on a PI4 and am using AppDaemon4 to run HADashboards on two tablets. The dashboards run fine with no errors, but I have been getting lots (in some cases every second) of Login attempt failed errors in the log. I have been trying for weeks to figure out what has been causing this error and finally determined that I only get the errors if the wall tablets are connected to the HADashboard. I am using Fully Browser on the tablets and if I close Fully Browser and stop the connection to the dashboard, I get no login attempt errors.

Here is my appdaemon.yaml config, it seems correct to me, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get past this login attempt error from filling my logs?

secrets: /config/secrets.yaml
  latitude: 40.625931
  longitude: -75.370461
  elevation: 111
  time_zone: America/New_York
      type: hass

I know it’s been a year since I first posted this, but I am still having this issue, any ideas out there?