Hi there!
So I have the following problem: Every time I log into my pc on my setup and every time after the pc logged into Windows: I receive this message: Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from My-IP-From-PC (My-IP-From-PC). See the log for details.
I looked into the logs and found something saying this:
Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from My-IP-From-PC (My-IP-From-PC). Requested URL: ‘/api/websocket’. (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) QtWebEngine/6.6.2 Chrome/112.0.5615.213 Safari/537.36)
Does anyone have a solution for that? I run HA on a Intel Nuc, run a nextcloud server, raspberry pi with pihole and docker and that’s pretty much all. Hopefully someone could help with that problem.
Thank you, Guys!!!