Login attempt from unused IP Address

Hi There,

i am getting the meaasge:
Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from is the first DHCP Address. It is used by a synology disk station, to which I have some ports forwarded to.

BUT currently the disk station is off and the IP address is not used (as by the overview in the router, and a complimentary ping check by me).

question: could it be:

  1. An attack from outside via the forwarded port
  2. another compromised device in the network
  3. a faulty log?
  4. …?

If the device at 1.100 is off, there is no service to respond to any traffic from a port forward. From the outside it shouldn’t even be seen.

How do you have your Home Assistant configured? Are you forwarding to that?

yes, i am forwarding :8123 to my PI running HA on Debian,

What is your network setup

i am not sure what you mean …

  • crappy plastic router, 2.4 and 5ghz wifi , mostly everything on DHCP, some port forwards to some raspberrys and other things
  • some IoT devices such as Tasmotized sonoffs, amazon dash buttons, yee-lights and such
  • HA running on Debain, connected via cable to router (disabled wifi on pi)
  • PI-Hole running on the same PI than HA
  • node-red running on another PI somewhere

I start to think it’s just the router switching devices on 1.100

Was just trying to make sure you didn’t have another router that was incorrectly configured trying to do some weird dual NAT or anything