Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from local IP


I am running the latest Hassio on my NUC running ubuntu and docker. The IP address of my Hassio instance is The problem is that since the depreciation of ‘trusted networks’ I am getting this error message about twice a day:

Login attempt or request with invalid authentication from

I have run the debug and disabled some devices but I am not able to find out where the problem is coming from. Despite the configuration I am still getting this messages.

    - type: trusted_networks
    - type: homeassistant

Hope someone can help me solve this problem.

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It’s probably a phone or a tablet you have viewed HA on in your house. Check the IP addresses of what devices you have on your network to confirm.

My network gateway is and I have multiple WiFi devices via MQTT, couple of phones and tablets connected! Why would it be a phone or tablet and not a MQTT device connected via ESPhome or something like an integration?

To be honest I missed that it was from your router IP…I know from my own
network that some of my older devices seem to lose authentication when they go to sleep so that’s where I would look first.

EDIT: Try closing the browsers in any devices like that each time you leave them and see if that cures the problem?

I have no browser running with the Hassio portal and today I updated to new hassio companion 2.0 and sofar no errors.

Hope this is going to solve my problem…!

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Good chance it will but do post again if there is some nore problems arise.