Login blocked: User cannot authenticate remotely

i am fairly new here, sorry if this Post isnt in the right category.
I have a Raspberry Pi 3 with an SSD as my Homeassistant setup. I have 3 Accounts on this.

  • An Admin Account
  • User 1 (Me)
  • User 2 (My GF)

Because i set up the remote access via Nabu-Casa i thougt, that it would be a good idea to disable remote access for my Admin account. The Problem is, that i cannot log in to my admin account from any PC or App in my local network. I know the credentials but i cannot log in.
Every time i try i get: " Login blocked: User cannot authenticate remotely"
The other users work flawlessly but arent Admins.

How can i deactivate this remote access setting on my Admin-Account again?
Or would it be easier to give my normal account temporary admin privileges?

Thanks in advance!

Tried local ip address from raspberry? That should always work as local access.

Yes, i tried it.
But it didnt work.

Something worth mentioning is, that i changed the Name of the Account before i logged out. That means i have a new username and password. If i use the new name i get an error that the username or password is not correct. But if i use the old one to log in i get the error " Login blocked: User cannot authenticate remotely".

I dont know if this is relevant or not.

@Erlenhof you probably found it out, but there is a user setting on each user that says, only allowed to login in locally. Worth checking if that is turned on

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Be sure to check if you have IPv6 enabled. Home Assistant considers IPv6 addresses to be outside of the local network. This would prevent anyone with local-only access from logging in if they connect to HA through IPv6.

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