Login landing page background image

To my surprise I could not find anything related to this topic.

Right after the initial installation of HA there is/was a beautiful light blue animated background image when loading the onboarding landing page.
I followed the steps and after initial setup I have restored my previous backup.
After that, the background of the landing/login page background is just black or white (depending on system settings).

So my question is:
Is there a way to modify the login page background image?

In Nextcloud for example this is simply done via an option in the UI settings. But even a “coding” solution in yaml or so would be fine. But I just could not find any information about that.

Thanks a lot and cheers!

*bump *

It would be nice to get any kind of reaction. Even a simple “no” would be better than nothing.
But it would be really nice if there were such a feature. I would also create a feature request, if there is really no possibility to change the background of the login page.


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