I installed homeassistant 0.102 on windows like instructed on your site.
I was greeted in russian,
I changed my language to english (right when I could, but still its login screen is in russian.
Need to change you region setting in your configuration.yaml
Your browser is configured to display russian as first language. HA can only know what language you prefer once you are logged in.
What do u mean (chrome) configured to russian?
U see the html tag with en (on the right), also all chrome is in english, so I do not understand where its getting the russian,
How do I change the settings in configutration.yaml (what is the text to add)
Well, I don’t use chrome. But if I move dutch to be the first one, the login screen will be in dutch.
Thanks that fixed it, but this is a major ui flow, i mean I have never come accross that typoe of issue.
No it is a major setup flaw in your browser.
actually its not a flow in my browser
If the app does not follow the rules of html, its not a User issue.
As I am a web developer and also do localization and accessibility, if the app disregurds the html tag lang it is a flow in that app.
I assume you mean flaw not flow.
How is home assistant to know what language to use? AFAIK browsers do not send html to servers.
Yes I did mean flaw
A web app (homeassistant config web app) is rendered somehow (html, backendserver…) and it knows the language
In this case it does not care about what language it should use (for instance in the html tag lang=“en”)
So it not behaving as a web app should behave.
So its a bug in the app.
So it’s a bug unique to you never before seen by thousands of users over the last 5 years then? (Or it’s something in your setup. Which answer is more likely do you think?)
Ok so I went and did some digging,
On large cloud systems , it does take the first lang (test with chinese that many have),
So it might be a case that the homeassistant has many users, and does not KNOW which lang to great them by, (before login), and uses that option,
But in my case this is a local server, with one user, set to english, so while technically you are corect, in the UX (user flow) it is not correct.
if you can reproduce it, write up the issue.
Hello, this is not a unique bug.
I have just installed a fresh home assistant instance on my rpi4. I have a subscription to home assistant cloud.
When I connect from my phone any device outside my home network to nabu casa website and I click on connect, everything is in russian, even the labels are translated in russian.
I am french and I don’t see where the heck russian could come from. To reproduce the issue for me is very simple, I just have to connect via nabu casa link.
I have only this problem when connecting from the link provided by nabu casa. When I use the android app directly within my local network, i don’t have a langage issue.
If you have nabu casa and you’re having an issue with nabu casa, submit a help ticket on the nabu casa page.
I will.
I was just trying to make a contribution to the fact that this user is not the only one who had a problem with russian interface I will think twice next time regarding the to type of response I have.
No need to be touchy. No one criticised you!
I was just letting you know that you have an official support path that others don’t have.