I am looking for a way to integrate my companion remote with my hue bulbs. I already managed to start harmony activities from hassio but I also want to integrate using the remote. An example: when I press the outlet button on the remote I want a philips hue switch to activate.
I already found the emulated hue integration (Emulated Hue - Home Assistant) but at the top it mentions the following:
Be aware that emulated_hue doesn’t work for new users of Google Home with emulated_hue . If you’ve not previously set this up and had it working, use the Google Assistant component or Nabu Casa cloud component.
In my setup I do use Nabu Casa and Google home so I was wondering if there is an alternative?
I define the host_ip because this is required in YAML mode, but not required when configuring through the UI.
I only expose the devices I want the remote to control and nothing else.
After applying the configuration and restarting home assistant, then you can configure the “Home Control” in the device editor of the Logitech Harmony App.
Ow ok so I just won’t be able to controls those emulated entities in Google home, which is not required as I expose them using nabu casa. Thanks for the clarificaiton!