Logitech Harmony Integration with @iandday's component

I had a power blackout and since then my HA wont boot, I tried to pinpoint the problem and i came down to this plugin, whenever i activate it in my confifuration setup HA wont boot.
Before that everzthing was working flawlessly. What can i do to fix it?

Have you checked to see if the IP address of your Harmony hub has changed by chance?

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that did the trick, i thoght i had the ip address of the hub set to manual but it was on dhcp.
Thx a million

How can I move the components if I used the all-in-one installer?

Complete noob here when it comes to homeassistant but could anyone tell me how to get started on the first step? I’m not really sure how to create a temp folder on my pi.

Install the required software:
(find the latest version of this software here: https://github.com/iandday/pyharmony/66)

Create a temp folder on your HASS computer and download pyharmony.

wget https://github.com/iandday/pyharmony/archive/master.zip

@cmcelroy09 this component is part of Home Assistant as of 0.34 - is there a reason you’re hand-installing it?

Ooops I guess hours upon hours of sitting in front of this screen starting to get to me!!

Ok so I’ve gotten everything setup in my config file but I am getting this error:

17-01-11 17:47:40 homeassistant.util.yaml: while scanning for the next token
found character ‘\t’ that cannot start any token
in “/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml”, line 295, column 1

Here is that section of the config:

    - service: remote.turn_on
    entity_id: remote.living
      activity: "22992000"
    - service: remote.turn_on
    entity_id: remote.living
      activity: "23482024"
    - service: remote.turn_on
    entity_id: remote.living
      activity: "23452661"

I would correct your indents as that may be causing the issue.

      service: remote.turn_on
      entity_id: remote.living
        activity: "22992000"
      service: remote.turn_on
      entity_id: remote.living
        activity: "23482024"
      service: remote.turn_on
      entity_id: remote.living
        activity: "23452661"

Sorry but indents?

‘\t’ refers to a tab. YAML will error out if you use tabs instead of spaces.

indentations. Each subsection must be indented 2 spaces from it’s branch. If you look at the updated script I posted in my earlier reply, you can see that htcp" is indented 2 spaces from script:. sequence: is intended 2 spaces from htpc:. This is how hass knows the hierarchy of your configuration.

Thank you. Got that resolved now I’m facing this:

did not find expected ‘-’ indicator while parsing a block collection at line 324 column 3

care to post that section of your config?

  - alias: "Powered off from Harmony Hub"
      platform: state
      entity_id: remote.living
      condition: template
      value_template: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.current_activity == "PowerOff" }}'
      service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.living_room_tv
        option: "Powered Off"

Line 324 would be right at " - alias"

That’s odd. I’m not sure why it would be upset about the ‘-’ in that column. I can say that the quotes surrounding your alias are unnecessary and could cause other issues though.

Removed the quotes but still no luck unfortunately.

Yup. You should only have one automation: with all of your automations listed directly under it (unless you’re using an !include)

If you want to post your entire config, I can give it a once over.

Hi, Sorry, I’d like to get this setup myself. I used AIO installer and I get stuck at this line

Just fails because it doesn’t exist. Where do I need to put this if I used AIO Installer?

Likely because my instructions at the beginning of this thread are back from when this plugin was still in beta and it has to be manually installed. Unfortunately I can no longer edit my post to let people know that that step is no longer necessary.

You no longer have to manually install this plugin. It’s now part of Home Assistant.