Looking for a good ESP32 compatible epaper (driver)

Hi everyone,

I made a solar power and statistics display in a frame with ESP32 and the Waveshare 7,5" b/w epaper.
Many users here are complaining about a grainy picture and here it is no other. I read all the hints on how to fix it, but at last nothing works really good.

So: I am looking for another epaper of the same size which has no problems with display quality and is supported by ESPhome. I looked at esphome.io’s list and found nothing…

Can also be a multicolor device if available, but should emit light like OLED displays.

Or if anyone has the ultimate tip how to make the waveshare boards work (tried different driver versions, switching the switches, batteries and fixed power supply, playing with reset_duration…nothing really better than the other. Reducing refesh interval is not an option as it displays live data.)

Inkplates from Soldered Electronics are quite good. They are refurbished Amazon Kindle displays paired with an ESP32, and the nice thing about them is that they are all-in-one unit containing everything you need, so no need to buy additional hardware.

They are also supported by ESPHome.

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After a long wait, 15 Minutes ago there was a fix for the Waveshare ePapers!