I am aware of Z-Wave locks like Kwikset and integrations for Schlage and Yale. Are there any other lever or knob door locks that are supported by HA? Something that works with LocalTuya or Tuya is fine. WiFi is okay, I just don’t have Zigbee.
I’ve been looking on Amazon, but so many of those lever locks are unknown brands that requires their own app and do not appear to be supported by HA.
And of the three brands listed, I would only install two. I can bump key most Kwikset locks open in less than ten seconds
…But the remaining two. I’ve installed well over 15 of them and most of them are still going strong. (except I had a rash of schlage with battery leak problems, but schlage was incredibly helpful replacing them). I agree with op on no name locks.
If im in the US those are the only two brands im installing. Yale has a bit of a lead on matter support but IMHO schlages lock is better built. (but thats definitely opinion, from casual observation)
@WallyR and @NathanCu, good points. I should have explained that this is for an interior closet door. I am putting a lock on a closet door to prevent a curious toddler from accessing tools and other dangerous objects. Still, not going WiFi is a good idea and I know Schlage and Yale make good locks.
Given that this is a low-security requirement, are there any options other than what has already been mentioned?
I wish I had better news but honestly Any that I’d actually install. No. Almost anything else I’ve ever tried is junk… I already have a hard time installing a 150-200 door lock that I know will likely fail in 5 years and that’s the good ones. But anything less. I’ve simply not had good luck with from basic build quality issues. Really.
I’d do a schlage if it’s worth putting a lock on it. I always install for long term and I already have a schlage Camelot hardware on all my other doors. Most importantly - when will you ever open this door remotely? if you’re keeping a toddler out of a dangerous area, you will always be present to pull the door open and honestly you’re not solving the right issue. Toddlers are slippery. Once the door is unlocked how do you keep them out? Because locking and unlocking is a relatively slow operation on good days so people get lazy and stop locking or… It will just be a few minutes so I left it open…
A long time ago I was a firefighter. Without fail, EVERY bad incident I ever worked involving a young kid started with I just looked away for two seconds…
Instead id just do an automatic spring tension closer and one of those fancy plastic spring hooks mounted over 5 feet high. Unless they’re superman the door will close every time on its own and they won’t be able to push it open without manipulation of the hook…
Finally to verify - add a simple contact sensor to ensure the door is closed and alert or color pop a few lamps around the house if it isn’t.
This is exactly what we did to the laundry door where we store the chemicals. It cost me less than 40 bucks after all parts and paint. Don’t get me wrong I love automation. But this isn’t an automation solve - even with an automatic lock you need an alternative latch if it’s that important.
A door tensioner and hook are good suggestions. The primary need is to have a keypad operated door and folding it into the HA fabric is just a bonus not just for remote opening, but activity tracking. I can then get alerts if the door is unlocked or auto lock after a certain time, for example. Another key feature is I can unlock the door for a family member when she forgets the code (I won’t mention who).
Adding a tensioner to make the door close automatically is a great idea and improves on the intended function.
Yea, I am overdoing it, but isn’t that a requisite characteristic of most HA enthusiasts? Lol.
Side question: Even with the current Kiwkset locks, they are still vulnerable to bump key?
I successfully bump keyed (with permission) a ‘newer’ one last year but in context, newer could be as much as three years old by now. I haven’t tried the newest. Admittedly I both used to bump key kwikset locks for fun just to prove a point so im better than avg at it and it took a couple good whacks. So possible yes. Improving yes. Can’t speak for anything they put out since 2021.
I want them to get better because honestly, while the Schlage locks are built like tanks, Allegions ZWave module in it…
Heh I get you on ‘overdoing it.’ after you get the door spring and latch knock yourself out. Maybe Madame A announces “the enemy is at the gate!” at volume 10