Looking for a waterproof humidity sensor. Does the ezo hum work with the ezo component?

I’m looking for something that is waterproof and can deal with being in a misty environment. I’m not fixed on this particular sensor, so suggestions are welcome.

The ezo component seems that it is only for the ph and rtd sensors. Does any one know if it works with any of the other ezo sensors, not just humidity?

Given the openness of Atlas’s docs it certainly should work, although may be needed to be added to the source.

By the look of the datasheet the i2c address is 111, so at a guess:

- platform: ezo
    id: hum_ezo
    address: 111
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    update_interval: 10s
    name: Humidity

I have DHT22 (AM2302) sensors near the ceiling of my bathrooms (mounted in the back of PIRs). They have been running fine for 3 years. Though quite a lot of people report issues with this sensor if used outdoors.

(Don’t judge. I’m on holidays!)

If it’s waterproof, how does it measure the humidity in the atmosphere? I mean if you seal it up to make it waterproof, then what’s it going to measure?

I built a sketch, used your config and it compiled. I’m going to order one and see. Can you even call them docs? They’re like info graphics. Makes it hard to miss something.

@tom_l @stevemann

I will use this to control a misting system. When it’s on it will be at or near 100% humidity. This sensor is should be able to deal with 100% humidity and give readings when it decreases.

Mine reaches 100%, see the graph I posted.

This is for an aeroponics system and will live at >70% humidity. It will be used to bring it up to 100%. I don’t think a dht22 is right for that application?

It has performed well in the high humidity of my bathrooms. But if you can get your better sensor working, go with it.

@nickrout those settings worked, thanks. Any thoughts on how I might add the other measurements it supplies, dew point and temp?

I tried adding below, which just kicks back the same reading.

  - platform: ezo
    id: t_ezo
    address: 111
    unit_of_measurement: "C"
    update_interval: 10s
    name: eztemp

I am glad it worked for you.

No I am not sure how to get those values, but are there any other ezo sensors that have multiple functions? There may be some clues in the code there.

Have you seen the line in the documentation that it only supplies humidity by default but temp can be enabled with a command?

Also I’m with you - I’ve been through every humidity sensor I can find for my tent, and they all drift into sensor death. I just got my ezo hum and I’m really hoping it does the trick. My conversations with them via phone give me a lot of confidence, and I have had their PH sensor and recently EC which are excellent so far.

I’ve had it in my root chamber for the last couple of weeks. It’s soaking wet and I’ve yet to get a reading that it was saturated. I let the misters run just to see, it topped out at almost 120% but still was giving readings.

After some digging you can send an i2c command through a lambda. What that command is, I’ve yet to figure it out. Lambda’s are c++ so I assume that the command in the audrino code supplied by atlas will be the same.

Otherwise it’s a matter of making a feature request on esphome. You’re using their ph and ec? The calibration command has that been integrated yet?

hey! Were you able to get this to work? I’m running into the same issue and nothing seems to work :frowning: