Looking for a way to show energy data from the energy dashboard on another dashboard

Hello, im new to home assistant and im trying to get two specific energy values from the energy dashboard to show them on another dashboard.


Is there an easy way to get the values?
And if the only way is to calculate them, how would you calculate them?

Many thanks in advance!


You should have setup two entities for those two data in the energy dashboard configuration.
The two entities something like sensor.something1 and sensor.something2 are what are you looking for.
Probably you will see the friendly name not in format like sensor.something.

Another way to get the information in Settings>Device and services>entities search for the sensor of interest.

Entities and domains - Home AssistantEntities and domains - Home Assistant

After you get it you can add those sensor to a card in your dashboard.

Any entity that you see is accessible for you to add in a dashboard to show, you just have to choose the right card.

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There’s not an easy way to get these values.

For solar, you could probably get it, it’s just the sum of your solar production. If you want the amount produced so far today, you could maybe use a utility_meter helper for that to help get it (if you don’t have that sensor).

The number in your home is your consumption, which there is no entity for, but it is the sum of (grid consumption + solar production + from_battery) - (grid_return + to_battery).

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@karwosts you are right, I did not understood the question in the right way.

you should make sure to understand where you measure each entity.
In my case total home power measurement is after sun production so it takes into account all power used. It depends from you installation if you add up everything or subtract.
When you have the entities you make a template sensor like:

  - sensor:
      - name: "grandtotal"
        unique_id: someuniqueid
        unit_of_measurement: "W"
        device_class: power
        state_class: measurement
        state: "{{ states('sensor.total_homepower')|float + states('sensor.sun_power')|float }}"
        availability: "{{ has_value('sensor.total_homepower') and has_value('sensor.sun_power') }}"

After getting the template sensor you can do a Riemann sum to get the kWh.
I don’t know how accurate it will be.