Looking for a wifi hand-held switch (remote-like) for scene selection


I’m looking for a hand-held device with buttons (4 would be good) that I can integrate with HA to activate scenes. For some reason all the models I find seem to be ZigBee and not WiFi. As I don’t have a ZigBee gateway, i’d rather use WiFi for now.

Something like this:

Any recommendations ?

Probably because zigbee uses much less power, so is better for battery powered devices like a remote. I think you’ll find that a difficult search. IR or RF433 could be good options for you?


Shelly Button 1 has 4 actions


Stop proving me wrong. :slight_smile:

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Or use an old Smartphone. I bet you have one lying around. Have it run a dashboard and you can do anything you want with it.

The old smartphone was possibly discarded because the battery is dead. Just sayin’.

I mean, come to think of it, why not just use your current phone :slight_smile:

Uh that’s nice. I would have preferred 4 actual buttons but it almost fits the bill! Thanks

ZigBee uses less power, but based on the battery life time of my door WiFi sensors (months), that would be enough for me. IR/RF not good since I don’t have receiver.

I need something that is usable by guests and literally as simple as pressing a button, so that rules out a smartphone. Also, I don’t want something I need to charge every other day.

I’m also looking for something like this. The best option I’ve found so far is to set up Zigbee on the pi (I already have a receiver, it’s pretty cheap) and buy a Zigbee remote, there are several action switchers.

Another option is to use an RF remote and either decode it with something like sdr_433 or buy a complete set with a relay board and use those relays to trigger GPIO on Pi.

In my case it is even more complicated, as I want a wheel for volume control, like the ipod one. I think DIY is the only way here.

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I recommend BleBox products. Most of their products work over WiFi. As for the four-button remote control, here you go:

You can choose from white or black in the cheaper version without aluminum and confirmation of the action by vibration and in the more expensive version with these parameters.

Click: uRemote - BleBox

Below is a link to all BleBox products:

I definitely recommend it. I use it myself and I am satisfied.