Looking for a working epaper display smaler than 7.5"

I’m using a 7.5" epaper display at my homeassistant installation, which works perfect.
A while ago I bought a 1.54" display which never worked. I had pixel jam on the display and other issues.
Now I need a display that is much smaller than the 7.5"
Is there a recommendation, e.g. for 2.54" display working with a ESP8266 and Homeassistant?

The esphome docs list a number of compatible ones.

Waveshare ones seems to be pretty common and also supported by ESPHome.
Just remember to get one with a driver, because they are also sold without (I am talking from experience here :grin: )

Yes, but the 1.54 is also on the list (I had a look before I bought it) but I never managed to get it work. Always had red pixels all over the screen and the text was not readable.

Red pixels?
Som you had one with multiple colors.
That require specific timings and there for a specific code.

Currently only single-color E-Ink displays are implemented and of those only a few modules

Thanks all for your help.
Meanwhile I bought a waveshare 2.13inch E-Paper Display HAT V4 Version 250x122 which works as it should.