Hi guys,
I hope this is the right place. My house construction is finally underway and after lots of back and forth I’m settling on Home Assistant (yay)
This is going to be a long post I pray you can bear with me
I’m in a 240V50Hz country (consider it similar to UK although we got UK and EU/FR plugs)
Electrical circuits are generally simple 240V live->-------- switch --------->---- lightbulb ----->------- Neutral
About me: Long time IT, half decent at simple electricity setups, low finances
My objective is (and we can begin small and build on it but at least set the groundworks)
- Energy monitoring of all sockets/lights/etc
- Ability to turn on off (manual/schedule/trigger/etc) devices/lights
- Compatibility with a weather station (would love recommendations here) basically to read the data
- Ability to either gather/store/act on or forward data (power usage patterns, wind/temp/humidity/air quality/etc)
- Ability to react to conditions (movement detected in the yard -> turn on lights outside, softlight indoors, play pre-recorded sounds of kids shouting and parents doing stuff)
- Maybe use computer vision as an addon with a coral module possibly and do even more
- My internet resets once every 24hrs and once in a while (2 times per 3 months I can get internet downtimes) I of course would like everything to keep working if/when that happens
- Finally, since power saving is one of my main objective - a system that will sip power.
Am I asking for a DIY Jarvis? soorrry
First of all 2 questions:
I was thinking that if I went more wired than wireless I’d be better off (stability/reliability/less hubs/blah) Of course, I may be wrong.
So let’s go down the rabbit hole(s)
Scenario 1 fully/partly wired:
I’d need I assume
- A much bigger electrical box area and something like a Sonoff controller for each outgoing line to lights/sockets and even if it’s wireless it’ll all be concentrated and close to an access point
- Smart sockets possibly push buttons that will enable turning these on/off
- Smart switches for lights? (wired/wireless/rechargeable?)
- Likely wireless movement detectors in every room to auto turn on relevant light (I’d LOVE if when movement is detected it turns on an ambient light and either snapping your finger or hand clap would turn on the main light
I digress…
Scenario 2: Fully wireless
- What to pick: Zigbee/Zwave/Wifi (house is ground+1 and about 120m2 surface area per level with brick/block walls)
- Again what smart switches for lights, what smart switches for sockets, maybe both can be combined?
- What wall sockets to use?
Anyway to begin I intend on starting out with a raspberry pi (got 4-4GB on hand) and that’s all I know so far haha…I could scale up as I’m also building a small home server. But again I want to be as efficient as possible with power usage.
While I wait for the house to finish I’d be interested in purchasing some cheap 240V wall sockets that do monitoring and are compatible with HA. Would be cool to have recommendations here too
Would really appreciate if the gurus here would give me indications such as maybe I need a 4th wire instead of the usual 3 (Live+Neutral+earth)
Wire types I’d need. Btw we do not use heating here but AC a few months per year in the bedrooms.
Again sorry for the long post and thanks a lot if you got this far