Looking for advice on Video Recording for Commecial Laser Cutting Machine

I’m creating a full management interface using Home Assistant for a high-powered laser metal cutting machine and it tracks a bunch of stats on ancillary support devices like CO2 tank pressure, Voltages, current draw, etc. I also have 2 USB HD cameras that will mount to the laser cutting head and the plug into the NUC.

Here’s the machine in action:

The owner of the biz sells these cutting machines and want to record the video and then manipulate it for clips he can use in customer training and also marketing materials. In addition, he wants to be able to REMOTELY view videos taken on Customer machines which will all have this management system.

So, I’m in search of a video sub system that could somehow integrate w/ HA, and then store video files on an external 5-10TB USB attached drive on the NUC.

the owner uses Windows for video editing, but that shouldn’t necessarily matter as long as I make the USB drive available as a Samba share.

I’ve played w/ Frigate and MotionEye, and came away less than impressed…
Perhaps I need some dedicated Linux Video Recording SW? I’m running Debian on the NUC w/ HA Supervised.
