Looking for an idea to track first movement in the morning

i would like to realize a “good morning”-TTS in morning.
It should ab activated when first person enters kitchen in the morning. I am having a motion sensor (homematic) and would activate it in the morning (after 6 o’clock) . But how can i be sure that it is only one time per day?
Do you have an idea?

- alias: 'Guten Morgen Routine'
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.funkbewegungsmelder_motion
      to: on
    - platform: time
      after: '06:00:00'

You could disable the automation as an action, follow that up with an appropriate delay (say 22-23 hours) then have an action to turn it back on.

You could set input boolean to be tested as a condition and then reset that once a day in the off hours when everyone’s asleep.

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Thank you! Thought i had to use variables because i didn’t had input boolean in mind…

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Input booleans are my favorite way of storing binary info. I’m sure there are better and more flexible ways, but they work for me.

i have a boolean for my wifes goodmorning message to :wink:

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Yes and I reset them with me 2am turn everything off to catch rogues :wink:

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