Looking for automation to turn on a switch if a list of any 1 of a group of other switches are turned on

I’m new to Home Assistant automations and looking for a blueprint/automation that will change the state of a switch depending on the change of state of any 1 of a group of other switches.

I basically have 6x Sonoff Basic R4 switches which control water vales.
If any of those vales open, I want to trigger the heating boiler.

I also need an automation to turn off the boiler if all vales are closed.

Anyone know of a blueprint out there to do that?

I’ve found this one but it doesn’t turn off the master switch once the slave switch turns off

You can look at https://github.com/francois09/HA_blueprints/heater_one_need.yaml , the idea is about the same, for managing heating system.

My blueprint will turn on a switch if one of a group is “requesting”, and turn off if none is “requesting”

Moved to the correct topic as the exchange it intended to share BP’s, not ask for them.

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Thanks francois09. I’ve found a blueprint that does almost what I need. I’ve opened a new thread about some changes I need to make on this to get it working perfectly