Looking for groups yaml files created through frontend

I am unable to locate them in config/groups.yaml or seemingly anywhere in config/**

Where might I find them?

They do not exist.

Group configurations created via the UI are stored as json in home assistant’s storage register. This is not supposed to be user editable.

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Ah, I see, all good then. I was looking to make my custom group editable via UI but had issue with setting unique_id. I was hoping to steal a snippet generated by the frontend but for now will put off for later :+1:

All you need to do is to add an id: to each automation you want to be able to edit from the frontend:


- id: ec70e870-1729-4100-a216-fc8dcdfafffa # <- THIS, must be unique. VSCode has a UUID generator extension you can use, or just use a copy of the alias, as long as it is unique.
  alias: 'Workshop Mechanical Bench Automation'
  mode: restart
  max_exceeded: 'silent'
  trigger: ...etc

Ah! The id goes above the alias, thats the one combination I had not tried

The order is not important. You can also do this:

- alias: 'Workshop Mechanical Bench Automation'
  id: ec70e870-1729-4100-a216-fc8dcdfafffa
  mode: restart
  max_exceeded: 'silent'
  trigger: ...etc

Or this:

- mode: restart
  alias: 'Workshop Mechanical Bench Automation'
  max_exceeded: 'silent'
  id: ec70e870-1729-4100-a216-fc8dcdfafffa
  trigger: ...etc

I’m still unable to get this working for groups. The snippets here aren’t working either not sure why home-assistant.io/integrations/group/

Here is an example of what I have tried

Upon further inspection it seems this is a shortcoming of old / new groups.

This group combines both switches and lights which is missing in new groups currently so this can not be resolved right now it seems

That’s because it only applies to automations. Like you asked for before you edited your post (well after I had replied):

I was looking to make my custom automations editable