Looking for help parsing a State

Tensorflow does the image analysis. It should work with any HA camera

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So your post ‘forced me’ into integrating my cameras in to HA, I’ve been procrastinating on that. All that is working great. Now, I’m in the process of implementing Tesnorflow, but before I start I have a few questions for you. Are you running hassio? If so, how did you create a separate docker container for tensorflow? Or how did you integrate it?

I just integrated it. I’m running HA in a python VENV. I followed the step by step instructions that someone posted on here a few months back. Super straightforward.

ah ok, I’ll try and get this docker route working then. I don’t think that method works with hassio.

Got it set up, this stuff is pretty cool. I’m now going to count random things in my house

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