Looking for help to improve my code - can I create a 'global array'?

After having issues getting the built-in ‘Workday Sensor’ to do what I want, I recoded it using a template, and that works as I need. I put the holidays that I don’t have to work in an array and check to see if the date (with an optional offset) is either in that array, or on a weekend:

- platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Workday Today'
        value_template: >
          {% set offset = 0 %}
          {% set holidays = [
            '2022-12-26'] %}
          {{ not((now() + timedelta(days=offset)).isoweekday() in [6, 7] or (now() + timedelta(days=offset)).date()|string in holidays)}}

This works fine, but I need to duplicate the code for any other offset (I have 3: for workday today, tomorrow and 2 days ahead) which is inefficient:

  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Workday Tomorrow'
        value_template: >
          {% set offset = 1 %}
          {% set holidays = [
            '2022-12-26'] %}
          {{ not((now() + timedelta(days=offset)).isoweekday() in [6, 7] or (now() + timedelta(days=offset)).date()|string in holidays)}}
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: 'Workday Two Days'
        value_template: >
          {% set offset = 2 %}
          {% set holidays = [
            '2022-12-26'] %}
          {{ not((now() + timedelta(days=offset)).isoweekday() in [6, 7] or (now() + timedelta(days=offset)).date()|string in holidays)}}

Is there a way to declare an array (preferably in it’s own yaml file) that I can use in my template sensors, something like this:

  - '2022-01-17'
  - '2022-05-30'
  - '2022-07-04'
  - '2022-09-05'
  - '2022-11-24'
  - '2022-11-25'
  - '2022-12-26'

My Yaml skills aren’t very strong yet, I can usually fudge my way through something that has been created, but not very good at writing from scratch. I’m a lot better with templates than with Yaml.

I’d also like to put all of the logic into a separate ‘function’ (for want of a better word) that I can just call for each sensor, passing just the offset value needed if that’s possible.

Any assistance to point me in the correct direction would be greatly appreciated.