Looking for help with a a couple errors


I’m receiving a few errors I’m wondering if anyone can help me resolve. The first one I receive when trying to view history data:

16-08-11 07:52:07 homeassistant.components.recorder: Error during query: (sqlite3.OperationalError) database is locked

I ran the following, but I’m receiving a “-bash: hass: command not found” error.

$ pip3 install SQLAlchemy
$ hass --script db_migrator

I have HASS installed on a Pi and used the all-in-one installer. Still pretty new to everything so I’m not quire sure what “-bash” is saying.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!

I guess you have something like history enabled in your config. If you do you may want to try delete the .sqlite file in your config folder. Your history data will be deleted tho.