Looking for help with Solis integration


I have a Solis inverter - RHI-5k-48ES - with a wired datalogger stick - S2-WL-ST. I’m trying to get it to talk to my home assistant install.

I took the solis.yaml file from here - https://github.com/fboundy/ha_solis_modbus - added the IP address to the secrets.yaml file and added modbus: !include solis.yaml to my configuration.yaml file

I’ve restarted my HA and my log files are filling up with this error
2023-10-30 11:59:43.906 ERROR (SyncWorker_4) [pymodbus.logging] Connection to (, 502) failed: [Errno 111] Connection refused

I’ve confirmed that the IP address listed above is the correct IP - I can access to via the web admin - so am pretty sure I’ve missed a step somewhere along the way. Would appreciate any pointers / help.

@remoteboy, did you ever solve this issue?