Looking for multiroom audio recomendations

Hello, I am new to Linux and Home Assistant.

I am looking for some Multiroom Audio recommendations that integrate with home assistant (H.A)

I would like the multiroom to run on the Raspbian OS. (I currently have Home Assistant running on the Raspbian OS and access H.A through the web browser)

I have tried to get Mopidy set up but it is far too complicated for me. I was working from this guide.

Are there any good alternatives?

I like PiCorePlayer, but I think it is only installable as an ‘appliance distro’

Any help or thoughts greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Squeezebox is the way to go. Look at installing LMS (Logitech Media Server) there are many different types of player and server options. I have multiple pi’s running picore, kodi using a squeezebox addon and android devices with squeeze player that can be bluetoothed to speakers and headphones. All being served from my NAS