Looking for recommendation for electricity meter

Hi, I’m in process of building a house, I live in Poland.
I’d like to be able to monitor my power consumption, for various devices. I will have a solar panels on the roof so i’d like to collect information on how much power goes in and out, etc.

I don’t know much about electric instalations, have a professional electrician that will install whatever i get, however i can’t make up my mind.
I was thinking about either:
Shelly EM ( https://shelly.cloud/knowledge-base/devices/shelly-em/)
or Zemel ( https://sklepelektro24.pl/produkt/monitor-energii-elektrycznej-wi-fi-3fn-typ-mew-01/?gclid=CjwKCAjw8MD7BRArEiwAGZsrBTUareqsn8tMMkvGML4mAiW85od1OBPXAm9cM1gMNIp49zlkM2GfxhoCIXAQAvD_BwE)

Best i can tell both can be connected to Zigbee ( will be using HA installed on NUC ), however I can’t distinguish detailed features etc.

Anyone could recommend good electrical energy meter that will allow me to monitor devices in my home and relativelly easily connect it to HA ?



Shelly devices are WiFi, not Zigbee.

fair enough, still looks like it exposes api over http so that with some tinkering i should be able to hook ha into it…

I’ve just installed an IoTaWatt to monitor my apartment. Supports single, split and three phase, and can upload data to PVoutput, EmonCMS and InfluxDB (which is what I’m using to get to homeassistant).
Both hardware and software are open source, so you can see how it all works on a granular scale if you are so inclined, and has its own web server to configure it and review the usage data so you aren’t reliant on an outside service for it functioning.
You can monitor up to 14 circuits on a single phase system, and 12 on three phase. If you’re uploading the data to one of the above stores, you can combine the data from multiple IoTaWatts, if you need to monitor more circuits.
Biggest downside is you need to install a PowerPoint per Phase in your electrical system for it to monitor voltage and frequency, plus one PowerPoint for its USB power supply. Since you’re building a new home rather than fitting it in an existing one, I suppose that won’t matter anyway.
It’s community is great, and Bob, the primary developer of it is super responsive and helpful. Best of all, when he answers a question, he answers in a way that teaches you about it, rather than just telling you what button to push, so you understand what is going on.

It has CE, UL and CSA compliance.

Give the site and user docs a look through, it’s good tech! :3