Looking for sensors controller compatible with HA - preferably wired

Hello everyone,

I’m new to Home Assistant, but after few days of having fun with it, i really like it.
Until now all my home automations experience was related to enclosed systems like Loxone & Grenton.

It seems that it really can be my main (and the only?) home automation system, but i cannot find/determine best compatible hardware to read any digital and analog sensors like temp, humidity, motion, etc…

I’m looking for any not expensive solution to support 20+ sensors - the best would be some wired DIN controller which can maintain multiple sensors, but it could be also 20+ single controllers for single sensor each if costs really not much.

I was thinking about something like “1-wire to eth/wifi” controller or some controllers supporting digital or analog sensors directly, but i cannot find anything which could not wreck my budget.

Can you guys suggest something or shortly describe your experience stricte with this thread?

P.S. & edit

I found something which looks perfect for my case:

Unfortunately i’ve never heard about this brand and some comments in Web says that devices are failing after one year so i’m a bit afraid to invest time and money in this (especially when they don’t have support and shops in my country).

But these devices perfectly shows what i’m talking about.


i am also searching for an solution for my future home ;). now i am using a lot of esphome devices (a lot of wifi devices).

i found this on aliexpress:


its nice but i need more than 8 or 16 inputs and outputs. and if i buy several boards i need a connection between them for overarching automations. i want to go sure that the whole home automation system runs without homeassistant.