I am working on making our doorbell smart via our Google Nest. I could simply put up an Aqara Mini Switch as the new button to push, however in order to please my wife I would prefer to keep the original doorbell button. I live in Europe so the button only acts as a short circuit so I thought of using an Aqara Single Swith T1 (With neutral) where the doorbell button acts as the external switch and just not have a load. This works in the sense that I can use the doorbell button to toggle the switch, but the status change is not reported/broadcasted. I believe this is by design.
Therefore I am looking for something similar to the Aqara Single Switch, but that reports when the state is changed from an external switch. I tried looking at Sonoff Zigbee Smart Switch, but that does not appear to work with a momentary switch. Anyone got any idea? It does not have to be line fed, battery is also okay.
A simple ESP could probably do it.
Just have 3.3 volt go out to the button and back to a pin that notices button presses.
Then hook up a relay to the ESP to “ding” the bell.
I used an Aqara door sensor. I expected to have to do something about debouncing it, but it has worked flawlessly for 2 years and the battery still reports as 95%. Since the photos, I put the topcoat on the wood mount, so it looks much better.
Have you ever soldered on an Arduino or other board? It’s not hard so if you haven’t but still have soldering skills then it’s no issues.
An ESP is a wifi Arduino and integrates nicely in Home Assistant with either Tasmota or ESP-Home.
If you search for smart doorbell here you will find lots of ways to do it.
But think about what route you want to go, do you always want the bell to work, or do you want to control when the bell can ding?
Thanks for the info. I have some soldering skills I have just not worked much with Arduino before. I don’t want the normal bell to ding so I am just looking for something the detect when two wires are short-circuited. I’ll take a look at ESP.
@michaelblight ahh you simply gutted a door sensor and made the doorbell button “act” as the magnet. I kinda like that idea. Thanks!