Looking for some dumb AC remote replacement


I’m looking for some dumb AC remote replacement.
Just need the basics: off/heat/cool, temperature up/down, maybe fan speed. Eventually no need for a display because the AC unit will show what’s going on.
My problem with the Chinese dumb remotes is that such take we AC (gree) off WIFI, then all HA control is gone.
Could be as simple as a wall mounted X button controller.
Like the ikea tradfri remotes, but more buttons.

Location? Protocol? There’s plenty of Zigbee switches that do this.


Most of my devices run over LAN or WIFI, have some Xiaomi Mijia (LYWSD03MMC) BLE devices over esphome esp32_ble_tracker + pvvx_mithermometer.

Nothing’s dumber than a Broadlink IR blaster, but you’ll probably have to teach it every command.

However, I’m pretty sure there’s an ESP solution in a thread on these forums (sorry, can’t seem to find it right now). There’s also a HACS integration for Gree, as well as a local polling built-in HA Integration

HA - AC control works fine over WIFI. I’m looking for a dumb controller to control the AC via HA.

The idea is to have [dumb controller] ↔ [HA] ↔ [AC]

zigbee buttons look okay, just need to find one that fits the +/-, heat/cool/off “UI”
(and is not hell expensive)