Looking for the best integrated Heating control

I am currently testing Home assistant and come from Iobrker

unfortunately can’t really find anything similar to Heatingcontrol adapter with integrated dashboard, time/temp. has to be gived from the dashboard
( unless I have not understood this or there is something else)

and then VIS integration (both go together)

With Heatingcontrol you can set the heating with several parameters directly in the dashboard without script/program knowledge, e.g: Time of day/weekend/temperature/party mode/holiday/heating when windows are open …

and very important for me:
Of course, anyone in the family can go to the iPad and change a setting (the dashboard view is already linked to the adapter).
and heatingcontrol can see on google agenda if we are on vacation and then simply turn down the heating

I have the feeling that nobody has realized this kind of system with home assistant yet. (Especially because you don’t have to go into automation to change settings).

I rather see scripts where you have to make the changes directly in the automation/script/bluprint…

what is the difference between Better thermostat and advanced-heating-control ?

Both don’t have the solution with dashboard and where you don’t have to change anything in script/automation ? right ?

I have the feeling that this blueprint is similar but without support for the calendar for holidays and vacations and the windowSensor (when the window is open).
and also you have to change the code to add the thermostats, right?

and it’s also missing the end view (or I didn’t get it, sorry).

but unfortunately didn’t understand the topic that well :confused:

Thanks :slight_smile:

nobody for a solution to give temp. and time on Loveless ?