Looking for thermostat to replace Nest

I’m not the brightest in the HA club, so I’m looking for a simple Nest replacement where the target temperature can be controlled with my zigbee sensors vs. the thermostat itself.

Have the Nest 3rd generation with 3 of their pucks. Unfortunately, their limited scheduling and modification for pucks really doesn’t help with our temperature balancing. I can get it there manually but would be very close and content if I could just use my own zigbee sensors.

I know there are a few scripts out there that incorporate zigbee sensors, but those conflict with my scheduling automations and I figured it’s best to stop the attempts at very deep rig-jobs and to find a new path if a device fits the bill.

I don’t have anything z-wave for HA at the moment. But, I suppose I could add a controller if necessary to get up and running with a different device.