Loosing access after restart but the HA still works

So I’ve got some weird issue last night. My RPi4 setup lost it’s network connection (WiFi) after restarting because of the HA update. What is really weird is that it still works. Like all the Zigbee devices and automations based on them works. Next weird part: tried full reboot of the machine and sometimes the access is back. But only for the brief moment. After that connection is lost again. Have no idea why. I also connected directly to the RPi4 to get to the HA cli. It shows that the WiFi is on and connected with proper IP address.
Normally I’m using domain that is available both locally and externally but I did try to access through the IP address without success.
So I’m lost here and don’t what to do now…Especially since I don’t know how to access normal terminal instead of ha, where I could for example copy the latest backup to the pendrive to be safe…

I think I may found the culprit here. Recently I was trying Arpscan Device Tracker Component to track Samsung phone because Samung, in their infinite wisdom, blocked ping when device is in Do not disturb mode, which renders NMAP scans not working. :frowning: And even though using arp was good enough (still had issues but better then nothing), it made my WiFi card going into state that prevent normal network connection. Removing it brought back normal access. Need to investigate this further. Maybe there’s a way to use LAN connection for ARP. Will see.