LoRa dangerous?

Its an interesting video about LoRa like in yolink. Make you think

Any tech is dangerous in the wrong hands, its how the user implements it and what they use it for that matters, this has been a fact in the IT industry for decades.

Not only in IT :warning:

Many goods can be ā€œdual useā€. Just think that one may buys fertilizer for their plants but @Yuran maybe plans to do dangerous things instead with his kilos of nitrogen fertilizer :bomb::boom:

Also I donā€™t need to remind you people that your kitchens are full with knives :hocho::dagger: which are to an extend always dangerous and should make you all think :thinking:

Pretty much, this is why checks are in place to, and the keyword being ā€œtryā€, prevent abuse of access to items in combinations and bulk that can cause harm to the user and the people they intend to harm.

Iā€™m in IT so I refer back to the IT and IoT side of things with encryption, vlans, multifactor and general data hygiene and security etc.

I think the content of the video, the LoRa technology and Meshtastic, is very interesting. I think the title of the video is more click-bait than descriptive of the content.


Very sad - I didnā€™t even bother to watch the video after this click-baiting title/thread. :fast_forward:

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Usually the case, I watched it fully and its basically a LoRa version of the Open Garden Internet sharing project.

I agree the title of the video is on the slippery slope of ā€˜clickbateā€™ and the comments about the multiple uses of technology are on point. Some of the words and focus of the cited ā€˜reportā€™ may well be the biggest concern, seems rather ā€˜big brother needs to watch you all, based on outliersā€™. And I think it is interesting that the video author calls himself the ā€˜The Swiss Guy With The Funny Accentā€™, how many times has Switzerland been ā€˜run overā€™ in wars :wink:

ā€œOne, if by land, and two, if by seaā€ā€¦

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