Lora device tracker with The things network

A while ago I build a device that can send data via lora over the things network. The device measures temperature, humidity and GPS location.

I was pleasantly surpised that there was already a integration for HASS to receive values from the things network: https://home-assistant.io/components/thethingsnetwork/

with that I could easily receive the temperature an humidity values in home assistant, by using this configuration:

  - platform: thethingsnetwork
    device_id: "lorelem_rn2483"
      humidity: '%'
      temperature: '°C'

The device also sends out GPS coordinates, the data that it sends out looks like this:


I was wondering if there’s any way to make the device’s location visible in home assistant.

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Hi Erik,

did you find a solution for integration position data coming from ttn to home assistant?



Erik, looking at the code the raw data should be displayed in the attribute of the sensor.
Can you check that? If so you could probably make a sensor from it using a template sensor.

Can you post a link/share info about the device you build?
I want to create something similar…

Hi Erik,
Like Ron above, I’m interested to build something similar.
I’m looking for low-voltage battery devices purely to measure temp/humidity.
Happy to build something similar to your device if possible.
Do you have more detail on components to purchase?


@bryanbr checkout https://github.com/pyonair/PyonAir-pycom

Thanks Rob!

Any update on this? Bought a Ztrack Lora gps tracker connected to ttn and would also like to display the location inside of HA

I did this with Traccar:

Hi, could you explain to me where did you put the script?
I see a URL in the photo but I don’t know exactly where to put the script


It’s a PHP script so it has to be put on a webserver (publicly available) somewhere.

Thanks, i will try it