Loss of Energy Dashboard


I’m on version 2022.2.9

## System Health

version | core-2022.2.9
-- | --
installation_type | Home Assistant OS
dev | false
hassio | true
docker | true
user | root
virtualenv | false
python_version | 3.9.7
os_name | Linux
os_version | 5.10.98
arch | x86_64
timezone | Europe/Paris

<details><summary>Home Assistant Community Store</summary>

GitHub API | ok
-- | --
GitHub Content | ok
GitHub Web | ok
GitHub API Calls Remaining | 4758
Installed Version | 1.23.0
Stage | running
Available Repositories | 1063
Downloaded Repositories | 41


<details><summary>Home Assistant Cloud</summary>

logged_in | true
-- | --
subscription_expiration | 6 mars 2022, 01:00
relayer_connected | true
remote_enabled | true
remote_connected | true
alexa_enabled | true
google_enabled | false
remote_server | eu-central-1-1.ui.nabu.casa
can_reach_cert_server | ok
can_reach_cloud_auth | ok
can_reach_cloud | ok


<details><summary>Home Assistant Supervisor</summary>

host_os | Home Assistant OS 7.4
-- | --
update_channel | stable
supervisor_version | supervisor-2022.01.1
docker_version | 20.10.9
disk_total | 72.7 GB
disk_used | 63.9 GB
healthy | true
supported | true
board | generic-x86-64
supervisor_api | ok
version_api | ok
installed_addons | Samba share (9.5.1), Terminal & SSH (9.3.0), Samba Backup (5.0.0), MariaDB (2.4.0), File editor (5.3.3), Z-Wave JS to MQTT (0.35.2), Mosquitto broker (6.0.1), Zigbee2mqtt (1.23.0-1), Glances (0.14.2), Studio Code Server (4.1.0), ESPHome (2022.2.5), AppDaemon 4 (0.8.1), VLC (0.1.3), Frigate NVR (3.0)



dashboards | 1
-- | --
resources | 23
views | 13
mode | storage


I no longer have the Energy dashboard in my Home assistant

When I go to Dashboard configuration, I no longer have Energy

Thanks for your help

Do you have energy: or default_config: in your configuration.yaml file?



Ok that’s good. default_config includes the energy dashboard.

Any errors in your log related to energy?

Have you tried clearing your web browser cache?


Thanks to you, I had an idea…

In configuration.yaml, I put:

default_config an energy

to restart.

Reset that default_config…

And there I got the dashbord energy…