Yesterday there was the briefest of power outages, at most 3 seconds. But still… My system performed only one function. It tracks second by second solar production, and adjusts EV charging current based upon the available solar power. This required 3 components - Mosquito MQTT server, Enphase Envoy (solar) and OpenEVSE (EV charger). After the power outage I found that the IP address of the Envoy had changed. I was able to re-configure and now real-time solar data is appearing in HA. The OpenEVSE is manually controllable from HA, so I assume it is communicating properly. What I do see is that the MQTT server, the device that communicates the solar data to the EV Charger, is not getting the solar data, and the log shows that it stopped at the time of the power outage. Fixing this is way beyond my pay grade. It was only because of the generosity of the community that I had any chance of making this work in the first place. I am attaching the plot of available solar current showing that it stopped at about 3:30 pm yesterday 8/15, right after the 3 second power outage. BTW, HA and MQTT are hosted on a Raspberry Pi 3. Also, a month or so ago, when I finally got everything working, I made a backup of the SD card just for this very reason. I tried it and it behaves the same way. So there was no corruption of the Raspberry pi or the SD card. Questions: How do I monitor the MQTT to see if it is getting the solar data and if it is getting requests from the EV charger. I am also attaching the log of error messages, one of which indicates a problem with the MQTT server.
To all. - Please disregard. It was simply a matter of finding multiple instances of configuration requiring changing to the new IP address of the Envoy. One just for getting data from from Envoy to HA, and a second for getting data to Mosquito MQTT server. If anything perhaps this may help someone who encounters the same situation.